How Glyco-D Yogurt works on your gut

The human gut is amazing often called the “second brain,” it is the only organ to have its own independent nervous system, a network of 100 million neurons embedded in the gut wall.
Neural, endocrine and immune communication lines tightly link the human gut microbiota with the host central nervous system. Communication along these lines has been suggested to be bidirectional, with the gut microbiota playing an active role in processes linked to brain development and physiology, psychology and behaviour.
This role would not be limited to modulation of host neural, hormonal and immune responses, but also encompasses regulation of intestinal epithelium and blood–brain barrier permeability and both production and degradation of neuroactive compounds.
Mediators of microbiota–gut–brain communication affected by microbial metabolism include short-chain fatty acids (for example, butyrate), neurotransmitters (for example, serotonin and γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA)), hormones (for example, cortisol) and immune system modulators (for example, quinolinic acid).
Advances in sequencing technology enabled the exploration of the role of the gut microbiota in a broad range of neurological and psychiatric disorders and diseases including larger-scale analysis of self-reported conditions or clinical studies of depression, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Your gut consists of over 1000 friendly bacteria (probiotics). These probiotics can be classified into different families. The most prominent classes include:
1. Lactobacillus
Rod-shaped bacterium is responsible for producing lactic acid in fermented foods such as yogurt and other dietary supplements. It helps in dealing with digestive issues such as constipation, bloating and diarrhea.
If you experience frequent sleepless nights, moods swings and mild memory loss, then your body probably lacks this friendly microbial. Research indicates that this bacterial strain influences the brain and it has a role in controlling your emotions.
2. Bifidobacterium Lactis
Bifidobacterium Lactis is yet another Probiotic bacterial microorganism that commonly lives in the colon area of the digestive system. This friendly microbial is responsible for reducing inflammation in the colon and maintaining blood sugar balance among other functions
3. Bifidobacterium Longum
Bifidobacterium Longum is a Probiotic strain similar to Bifidobacterium Lactis. This nonpathogenic microorganism naturally occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. It helps in restoring energy levels, breaking down carbohydrates, reducing bloating and aiding in cell growth among other functions.
4. Saccharomyces Boulardii
Saccharomyces Boulardii is not really a bacterial microorganism, but a unique type of yeast found in Probiotic organisms. This special yeast is a bio-therapeutic agent renowned for its ability to prevent and treat various types of gastrointestinal diseases and conditions such as diarrhea.
Interestingly, probiotics have an influence on brain function. These microorganisms are responsible for your sense of physical and emotional well being, including the feeling of pleasure, pain, memory, and mood. Probiotics work synergistically with your nervous system by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to ensure that your immune system, digestive system, and the central nervous system functions optimally.
When the endocannabinoid system is out of balance, you will certainly know it as it is associated with irregular sleep, excessive weight gain, stress, anxiety, and depression. The only way of dealing with these symptoms is by consuming your special mix found in Glyco-D Probiotic Yogurt.